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    Layouts : Graphics + Coding by Qianz.
    Fonts: dafont

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    Thursday, January 03, 2008

    well day 2 of my ny orantation....well went there learn another stupid dance for tml's dancing diva...zz damm sian....then went to sentosa....damm i hate some ppl in my group lar...two of them are one with initial A ..he lik damm fuck lar...everything he say lik lame shit lor 10 times worse than this another person i know ...and he lik fuck must keep talking to me de leh...i just nod my head and all...zz everything i do he can link and say something but it's lik the things he say are so borning and lame fuck crap.....wah tink tml i call him to shut up...another is initial J he is lik so gay? and he say he is from some singing band..which he really don't sounds like fact it was crap...lame crap lar....even wee liang can sing 100 rimes so much better lor.....really....lame shit lar...then today went sentosa lik ji tao i must lead the cheering and all the games...which all the girls lik sian lik that dun how participate de...zz only then lik wat is wrong wif other teams? we played this particular game blindfold and pick balls right? i lik already pick all five then the other team member lik throw one ball away when i already lik wrong..which make me find that one ball the end lost lar....really leh most boys there lik f geeks and hynocrites lor...using all the dirty underhand means...wat the hell man.....but..oh well maybe jc is really not the thing for me....after all i'm considering poly.....

    the movie suck in the ending and the beginning
    it's like the character falls into the grey region...
    and yes the character is a troubled one...
    really lame shit lar
    when will i be able to achieve it?

    posted by jordan chung at Thursday, January 03, 2008 -