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    Tuesday, January 29, 2008

    school us more tiring today..
    chem was wah..
    the teacher very high lar..until i cannot understand....zzzz
    i feel so stupid..
    i'm not even meant to do it...
    but hey
    i will not give up....
    it's up to me to make the school fun....
    if i give up now....
    i might as well die.....
    which brings me to another point....
    without friends like you all ( i presume you all know who you are lah hor..)
    i ish die...

    posted by jordan chung at Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - 0 comments

    Sunday, January 27, 2008

    hmm..weekends this wek was sucky.....well yesterday went shannon yjc open hse....the school was not really that good....quite run down a bit......hmm open house was quite bored.....then went np slack a bit.....then went home lor......during the journey home student council called in to the finals.....wonderful....quite surpise that i got in as well thats bored to death......but manage to submit my choices find my songs and do my homework.....well looks like i am staying in ny for good.... unless a lot if single pointers choose same school then i will be sent to just what is it that i feel so uneasy about...zzzz it's like i'm a fish out of the water....
    hmm if any staff or teacher seeing my blog....HI.....

    posted by jordan chung at Sunday, January 27, 2008 - 0 comments

    Saturday, January 26, 2008

    went back nyjc for the singing competition the one..
    well obivously won't get in cause everyone make the crowd goes crazy..
    i forgot some lines and voice was lik not as good as the rest..
    but did not really care.....
    oh well i feel so empty now...everyone has started to move on...
    but till now i just don't want to move on....
    i just dun lik the state i'm in....
    everything is so alien right now....
    who can understand me?

    posted by jordan chung at Saturday, January 26, 2008 - 0 comments

    Friday, January 25, 2008

    well result day!!!!! damm nervous lar but in the end yea....R4 was 10 R5 was 13 hmm a bit dissapointed wif my maths so hard got b3....sigh....well hmm now is lik tink go poly jc where lor...hmm very important sia....hmm wah the kannan and james damm pro lah! r5 7!!!! siao man.... sut sia 9 points...! god lah.....hmm but well i guess i shld be happy wif my results already good le.....hahax..well hmm strach head lah!!!!!!
    what will my future be?
    so uncertain...zzz..
    oh well PLAN

    posted by jordan chung at Friday, January 25, 2008 - 0 comments

    Wednesday, January 23, 2008

    hmm the day before results...oh well say about today intent went sch skip chem tutorial.....met wif kanna...he was having pe...i went library read books...then went find him.....heard him say sci quiz got 3rd...shock lik..rofl...then went slack slack....math leture was lik wtf lar the teacher sucks and class was boring....zz bio was the best....gary neo funny lar....lame but funny.....hmm chiense was okok...then there was SPORT AND GAMES DAY..zz must say a bit angry bar...the grp all not happening the...lik tml get results must play hard mah...zzzz all the games i chiong all the way lor...they all lik wan dun wan....zzzz...but still got a bit of fun lar....crap wif kannan...then lol met the cute senior who laugh made friends with her.....CURE LAR CAN?~~~~.....went np met wif boh slack...zzz then went lvl 3 ka jiao all the bei swee lar...funny damm high......walk back home wif that boh....met wen bin and admad....crap abt still can feel tension bar........went home.....
    now sitting here...

    my mind got a lot of what ifs....

    wah damm nervous...
    but i believe

    i can do it....

    so can everyone of you.....

    we did our best....

    the road is long..and we will move on.....

    still nervous..

    posted by jordan chung at Wednesday, January 23, 2008 - 0 comments

    Tuesday, January 22, 2008

    well schools of pretty ok these days....still have fun lar but aloysaus irritating again...zz oh well..never mind lar..results of O lvl thursday sia..

    which is like one and half more days...


    oh well.....anticipation...and nervous sia...

    tml night sure cannot sleep de..

    song bo..

    wah damm gan jiong lar...

    good luck all....

    posted by jordan chung at Tuesday, January 22, 2008 - 0 comments

    Friday, January 18, 2008

    fridays.....i love.....well today okok day lah..bit pon chiense and bio to go back feel lik attend ar...luckly serene told mr mr gary never notice i missing...yesh ar......met the whole bunch of peeps....chated and crap...saw mr nor silvan all...aww~~~ crap all day lar overall.....i hope everyone can do well for their o levels...then can happy happy go out eat!!! =)
    omg...kawaiieeee ne?

    posted by jordan chung at Friday, January 18, 2008 - 0 comments

    Wednesday, January 16, 2008

    i dun lik's so cb...i so stress...the chem and bio is lik so fuck up....then tml tutorial must present all knn lar...they seprated me into one fuck up group...knn lar...the chem i ish dun noe how do lor...the last four's so knn.....i wan bang wall larhh..knn lar...very sian one leh......then parents like dun let me go poly.....zz...i tot it's should be good too....wth.........jc life is lik stress de lor.....2 fucking years..wif h2 subjects it's lik zzzzz.....maybe i taking arts course or stm..........well at least today chiense lesson was fun lar...though the teacher fourty plus very hip one leh...she say she lik jay chou and xing guan bang de...wth....but really lah she very funny and interesting.......i like chiense already.....
    aiya i dun know lar....
    but i tink jc ish SIAN.

    posted by jordan chung at Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - 0 comments

    Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    well though today i'll just talk plainly about the audition for nyjc's THE ONE...
    i today knew the true meaning of the chiense mountian still have another higher...
    god it's lik 30 contestents altogether...
    i can tell you 20 of them sing very well...and have not include me yet....
    now i know in yss it's lik only peanuts....
    after all....damm other schools and ppl in singapore are DAMM GOOD MAN...
    sigh tml results for audition i dun dare look..
    i'm so disapointed...
    i let everyone down.......
    am i just water?

    posted by jordan chung at Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - 0 comments

    Monday, January 14, 2008

    well hmm guess i9 say a bit abt nick's b day party yesterday...though a simple one but a fun one bar.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NINI AND SOPHIA!!! HAHAX...17 SIA..
    ok moving on.....
    monday..imagine...monday stupid P.E lose th girls in netball and very tired...
    and after that wif aloysaurs talking non stop to you...
    i'll strangle him one of those days.....i really would..
    it's lik boiling points EXTREME..
    oh well lessons were ok except for maths..
    the leturer is lik in his own lala land...
    he just teach teach teach at speed of a mrt train..never pause or stop to let us digest...
    we were all f up....but for me i looking at convent girls....(haix lucinda sia =) )
    so maths was pretty ok..thanks to 'lucinda' LOVES...
    moving on was but hard... is so diff from sec sch bio...
    when miss khoo was nice the bio was easy...
    now u hav funny mr blad who is strict and hard to study...
    oh well miss khoo still rocks in every way.......
    then went meet wif sophia tan wesely..
    zzz crap about to all the thing but o level results..
    we help wesely plan his career sweet of us....(not)..
    then qing hua yong yi nigel daryl gang all came...
    arh the plain funny guys....miss them a
    crap and went home........
    hmm damm looks lik i going audition after all...
    i wan play shippuden sia.......
    hmm is it me or maybe the world is all upside down......
    somethings dun feel right....not at all.....
    maybe it's the homework or aloysaurs nagging ... %^#%$@%$@..
    oh well toddles...another day.....

    posted by jordan chung at Monday, January 14, 2008 - 0 comments

    Saturday, January 12, 2008 went to sp open house...well got some infomation abt it.....hmm that campus also not bad bar...quite fun i say....den went back np slack slack then went back home....well hmm my question of the day.....status quo.......if there is a diff in social circle gap with the girl u like.....diff in class and to handle....? question no two.....complication in status.....which usually form venn diagram.....the clash between those spaces....really is complicated. i don't really know what the hell i'm talking about's and tami...that feeling again....which is pretty stressful...
    oh well den again...
    won't the world be much more wonderful if everyone is just dumb and naive a bit?

    posted by jordan chung at Saturday, January 12, 2008 - 0 comments

    Friday, January 11, 2008

    after one week of struggling wif letures,homeworks.werid ppl,irraiting ppl...2 hrs of's finally friday! god today not bad good day..very slack..cause only go sch take mother tongue...morning dialogue session wif the principal was a slack slack....den mother tongue....went back ro YSS..met mr ng..VP le anith...never talk also...zz...went see the ncc senior le surpise that mr maple boy welcome us talk crap play wif shark winod shannon surianna den went home.....went school today felt so much better...really felt like the old days..but not quite...after all...lik half of ppl still make merry as we can........
    damm...i don't know why but....
    i tink convent girls are HOT!! wah~

    posted by jordan chung at Friday, January 11, 2008 - 0 comments

    Wednesday, January 09, 2008

    well today's day look pretty promising..after all i manage to have an ally in my group..kanan! lol good guy to crap wif and joke lah....great fellow....and that damm 'A' is lik bloody irraiting lar..i and kanan lik thing of means and ways to ditch him and have peace..but..did not work..damm sick lar...haix nowadays getting more and more work to do...which is sian.....tml got bio again...that is lik..zzzz so strict...must prepare collar pin again..if not dun let me in...god....
    i wonder...

    posted by jordan chung at Wednesday, January 09, 2008 - 0 comments

    Tuesday, January 08, 2008

    another day...oh well nothing much too today but the morning chi leture was joke.....damm joke male teacher face lik rabbit.....den bio h2 was tough lar..the cher spa fail one assament A lik damm tough lah...h2..zzz
    tml pe....just great..

    posted by jordan chung at Tuesday, January 08, 2008 - 0 comments

    Monday, January 07, 2008 was leture leture bei tanjia.....chem was most boring...zz i wan puke went for this student coucil tea left.....went for history lesson....wah history h2 a lot of things sia....god......then sign up for THE ONE...but sign the form...they need photo...but i dun still heck care sign up....hope they dun reject i not i no killing spree liao haha.....den went back to with tan wee sophia and shannon....about jc all....funny sia...then went home...

    tml another day...damm it feels lik office job or stm....

    posted by jordan chung at Monday, January 07, 2008 - 0 comments

    Sunday, January 06, 2008

    well it's a lazy daisy sunday for me....nothing much....slack lor....ptomise nick i'll post my bag pic...

    yes i noe...a bad fashion statement.........zz tml lecture.....
    damm suay now got sore throat....stupid...when will the good days come?

    posted by jordan chung at Sunday, January 06, 2008 - 0 comments

    Saturday, January 05, 2008

    sat...went wif shannon buy bag......made a very wrong choice..apaarantly...the bag i brought was not nice de....oh welll does not matter...brought up wif boh later....crap crap den went home....

    the air nowadays is getting harder to sanity is gone.....disturbing thoughts keep appering......and yes....i'm sick...metally sick..

    posted by jordan chung at Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 0 comments

    yesterday was day 3 of the orantation..well things still look pretty hmm ok...learn the new dance...track dance....which waltzs was usual the girls see the guys as disease and the guys see the girls as rats....all dun dare do together..but in the end after shawn (my fav OGL) pursade them they all den dare hold hands etc..actually the waltz quite easy de..then other ogl came help out..wah got this pretty caussian senior dance wif me...she say i gd sia...she hav fun so did it =).....then later each grp choose two ppl to participate in dancing usual..all using me and ask me lik i dun mind doing it but...VERY SINGLE GAME CHEER LEADING AND ETC NEED ME DO...HELLO I'M NOT SUPERMAN LEH..U TINK I ON DRUGS AR CAN HIGH ALL THE TIME FOR YOU ALL MEH! WTF.... so...any case..took part of course never got in.....blur blur just dance in the end for pair got in....

    then went on to games...we all rook part in design shirt competition...and guess who has to wear the damm shirt the grp clown me....then went on the wet least not bad....i lik pour the whole bucket on shawn..wif the bucket on his head buahahaha....then say pour on michelle his fellow ogl funny,,everyone got wet but me....somehow i manage to avoid all the wetness...swee.....

    after dinner was lik dancing DAMM NICE SIA.. lik when two couples first two boys dance then the girls.....wah also damm boy was lik dancing very pro lar....moonwalk and all while the other anyhow wack the air swing the's obvious who will win....and for the girls freestyle was lik damm swee lar....both tough the end another grp girl was from hestia(my grp) both lik pro lor...but still tink ana qidan dance so much better...haha...then was shout it out competiton....damm impressive wif the vouce they all can create...from cheers....power....tyhen was DISCO NIGHT!!!! YEA AT LEAST THAT WAS FUN..everyone jump and dance while the lights are off and only disco lights on....damm zhai......and it ends the 3 day of orantation......hmm guess yesterday i can some how mix better wif my grp just that they keep wan me do just piss me off.....oh well..lessons on mon...2 weeks to results of o lvl......


    i lik that cheer though..zz

    posted by jordan chung at Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 0 comments

    Thursday, January 03, 2008

    well day 2 of my ny orantation....well went there learn another stupid dance for tml's dancing diva...zz damm sian....then went to sentosa....damm i hate some ppl in my group lar...two of them are one with initial A ..he lik damm fuck lar...everything he say lik lame shit lor 10 times worse than this another person i know ...and he lik fuck must keep talking to me de leh...i just nod my head and all...zz everything i do he can link and say something but it's lik the things he say are so borning and lame fuck crap.....wah tink tml i call him to shut up...another is initial J he is lik so gay? and he say he is from some singing band..which he really don't sounds like fact it was crap...lame crap lar....even wee liang can sing 100 rimes so much better lor.....really....lame shit lar...then today went sentosa lik ji tao i must lead the cheering and all the games...which all the girls lik sian lik that dun how participate de...zz only then lik wat is wrong wif other teams? we played this particular game blindfold and pick balls right? i lik already pick all five then the other team member lik throw one ball away when i already lik wrong..which make me find that one ball the end lost lar....really leh most boys there lik f geeks and hynocrites lor...using all the dirty underhand means...wat the hell man.....but..oh well maybe jc is really not the thing for me....after all i'm considering poly.....

    the movie suck in the ending and the beginning
    it's like the character falls into the grey region...
    and yes the character is a troubled one...
    really lame shit lar
    when will i be able to achieve it?

    posted by jordan chung at Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 0 comments

    Wednesday, January 02, 2008

    well went nyjc today...wah at first the place lik hard to reach lik take 853 still can't see the school...met wif emx in the morning...then take bus go there...but in the end got lost and late so take cab...(ok fine sorry i late today..)went there..8 am..when we lik need go there 7 20...but anyway nothing much happen so just join in....then after that get into my grp..grp 12...den went into one roon play's seems lik ice breaking die die play wacko de leh....wth..then they got this eye candy in grp choose mst handsome and pretty guy and girl...i must say...there really no suai or pretty girls...and a mist it all they choose the best lar...never choose went back to hall for subject talk...really unessasary de...and basically lik about 32 grps..and 4 main house..the names all associated wif geek gods de lar...then lunch....
    damm i went to canteen...
    i den realise how much i miss YSS CAFATIRIA!! GOD..
    there table bench all pri school...
    our school best lor.....misses...
    den went learn some ny dance...
    haha my grp de boys amazed how fast and quick i could pick up dance...(due to gunni's musical dance training..muahahahaha!)
    de games games games game i damm like is dougeball..swee man..and our grp hate one of this guy from another grp who was playing wif us...we throw the ball lik there was no but still lose...their tatics really curel...cannot beat....then whole day fight wif cheer cheer cheer...buai tahan bei lame man......remind me of camps..and was lik tired lor...then went back hall again....see skit went home....wah ache lik...zzzz

    tml go sentosa....i tink i might not live out there alive.....damm tired lar....
    and the sch mention a singing competition coming up..we also can participate...
    should i? make a name for myself JORDAN....

    posted by jordan chung at Wednesday, January 02, 2008 - 0 comments

    Tuesday, January 01, 2008

    well another new year has arive....hmm guess it's good to set some resolution would be nice...hahax...
    no 1: yup be bit more thrifty bar....let the word SAVE be in my mind..
    no 2: be healthy..really...i'm going to be in poor health..
    no 3: hmm improve myself...physically,metally and spiritually..
    no 4: be more happy!positive and more funny!!

    yeah hope i'll have a more enriching year this time...
    it's about new beginnings and pretty much new stuff!
    may the jordan chronicles continues..

    posted by jordan chung at Tuesday, January 01, 2008 - 0 comments